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Test Plan template

Every testing process needs a proper Test plan. How to write one and work more efficiently? Keep reading We’ll help you figure it out.

Why should I write a Test plan
A test plan is a document that contains the steps you need to follow to achieve your testing objective. A test plan template is a tool to aid you in this process, it should include every important step so you can easily follow what needs to be done and in what order. As a software developer, you should write test plans to communicate the need for testing your code and what you plan to achieve from testing. A good test plan will assist in communicating the purpose of testing and may reduce unexpected changes by providing a thorough description of what is being tested.
What is a purpose of a Test plan?
A test plan describes the overall mission and vision for an upcoming software testing cycle. Test plans lack all the details associated with a test design, but they define the overall approach and goals that engineering teams should follow. Test plans are used as a blueprint for creating automated tests, verifying them during development, running them manually on new versions of the product, and using them as a resource when identifying what to focus on next.
The purpose of a test plan is to outline in sufficient detail the basis for planning, developing, executing and reporting test results associated with a particular software development effort.
A test plan is the foundation of any project. It is a snapshot in time that documents the dates, responsibilities, and resource requirements for testing each stage of your project. A well-defined and documented test plan will help you organize your testing activities and clearly communicate these details to all stakeholders involved.
How to write a Test Plan?
In developing a test plan, we need to consider several factors. The most important of these is clarity in identifying what we want to test, how we will test it, and when/where/how often we will execute the test. The test plan formalizes requirements, scope, and goals for testing. It also provides detailed documentation of the testing activities and results. The test plan can be used as a checklist for conducting testing activities for each release or iteration of an SDLC phase.
How can a Test Plan help me?
Test plan will help you manage the testing process efficiently and make it easier to report results back to stakeholders by keeping accurate track of all testing activities, bug reports, and other metrics. Test Plan is the best way to create advanced test cases and organize them into suites.
Test Plan’s unique reporting also helps you track your project's progress, spot potential issues early, and visualize coverage across product releases. A test plan provides a clear path to getting your features completed. Test Plan helps you capture requirements, create test cases from the requirement, schedule meetings and assign tasks, track progress and much more.

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